The End of Michael Jackson

Jacko’s is chummy name for pop singer Michael Jackson. he died caused hearth attack a few days ago, he was the best pop singer in the world. Mourn of jacko’s funs around the world show up in many way, a part show up by collected jacko’s sock, shirt, and others thing that connected to him. Jacko’s death appears controversy, a part said that he was overdosis for drug user, while others thought it caused by his docter. Both these controversy become as hot news for this weekend, the issues are appear does not given a proof the truth for the public, so it was a gossip. Besides a gossip goes, jacko’s property become as a topic in some newspaper, he has many collection cars, bikek and apartmens. We had a confuse thought on this matter, we knew jacko’s was the best singer for us, but he’s gone now, so just leave it and let pray for him. The people born and die it was karma from God to human being, then lets him go peacely.