Woman imams is forbidden in Islam

By: M. Tasar Karimuddin

New opinion of woman muslim in Islam religion was growth up, woman imams is allowed in Islam only for woman not for man. Now a day it problem was published in many news paper, last month before at US it complication happen for the first time while it continue to China.

Wang Shan Zhen, 61, is one of them , she lead prayer and jum'ah khutbah in Wuzhong province of China, a majority of muslim woman in China have been joint her mission. This reason was make many contrast between Muslim in the world, it is must be solved as soon as possible, before it become a wider.

Early this month, a fatwa was issued by the Muslim Morrocco, prohibiting woman to take up the prestigious position. In 2004 at Bahrain, a 40 year- old woman was reportedly arrested when she tried to deliver a jum'ah khutbah.

I have read many book of muslim philosophy like, Syafi'i, Maliki, Hambali and Hanafi the most familiar of muslim scientist, they said in same way about woman imams like above opinion. Those ideas to solved this problem was strong, cause the ideas was connected to Muslim Prophet( Muhammad S. W. A. ), and it become a great hold in Muslim life forever.

God knows the truth!!!!!!!!!!!


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