
Showing posts from July, 2006

Jihad exclamation for Muslim

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Cairo: Ayman Al- Zawahri Alqaida’s no.2 leader issued a worldwide call on Thursday for Muslim to rise up in a holy war against Israel and join the fighting in Lebanon and Gaza until islam reigns from ‘’ Spain to Iraq’’. Above message is exclamation jihad for Muslim in the world, a message was tied by The God saying in the Holy Qur’an was make Muslim interest to join it. Al- Zawahri angry to the Islamic government in Arab, he said that the government was support Israel and US to attack Muslim people, then Al- qaida as an underground Islamic organization will help and care Lebanon and Gaza to fight. Israel and US are strong and more powerful countries, while Alqaida on the other side is one of underground organization in the world. Both two will meet each other in war field, this is great and more interesting war in this year. Do Al- qaida’s will be number one fighter or Israel and US will be a winner. I think the world now was lead by child where war is like one

Betty William: would love to kill” Bush

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Nobel peace prize winner Betty Williams, displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit on Monday , lashing out at US president George Bush during a speech to hundreds of school children in Brisbane city Hall Australia. She said that she would love to kill Bush right now, during wartime between Lebanon and Israel an innocent people was die, and so the children body be located every where. When she was 30 in Irish last year ago, she did some thing importance to the Irish people, she’s successful stop violence in Irish then a nobel peace prize belong to her. Now a day she was 64 old but she’s spirit to stop violence in this world still on mind and was mixed with her blood relation. The heroin as her we need now, we don’t require Superman, Batman and other movies heroes. The hero or heroin we need now who are want to fight for right and criticize over violence, without think in differentiated religion, region and race, etc. let's think in logically is we are all

US- Israel new program in Lebanon

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Condoleezza Rice meets with Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert in jerussalem on Tuesday, the meeting goes on the program cease fire in Lenanon. US secretary of state Condoleezza Rice announced that new middle east program is peace as motto and so new democracy government will be started. Olmert welcomed Rice warmly and vowed that Israel is determined to carry on this fight against Hesbollah. Meeting both two countries was interesting for investigation, program and next step both of countries was published in many news paper today. War in Lebanon still going on and couldn't stop it whatever UN, who are controlled the state organization in this world. Olmert dream to attack Hesbollah till the end goes emotionally and as if we agreed on it. The most importance now is how to stop a war between two the semetic race, Lebanon and Israel are in same relation, one lineage and ancestor, must peace. Understanding between two countries more importance then listen to o

Playboy tabloid

By: M. Tasar Karimuddin In third edition of playboy tabloid in Indonesia some argument was growth on it, many question appear about it. Indonesia is the Muslim big country can’t silence on this publishing, the people want to know what is going on in the third edition of playboy tabloid. In western, playboy tabloid is most popular specially for youngest groups and so older community. West social intercourse is unhampered and this reason was make playboy tabloid familiar. Muslim views very different with the West opinion on this tabloid, Muslim clarify that tabloid damage moral and social intercourse step by step, while West on the contrary said that tabloid need by youngest and older for sex interaction and for spirit of life. How about you????

Novel: The expected one

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin US novelist claims descent from Christ was make interesting to reader and so controversy was growth in it, The novel story goes around Jesus Christ in new published, it has earned $2 million from the sale of foreign right to 24 countries and will appear in Britain on august 7. Kathleen McGowan as novel writer had ready toward with many question and argument on his novel published, new story on Jesus is that narrate about descent relation. She believed that lineage from Christ was continued now a day and she’s the one of them. While controversy appear from the old doctrine where they believed that Jesus is The son of God, so’ it’s impossible bloodline relation was continued. In old doctrine said that Jesus is only one and there is no some story narrating about this relation. God knows the truth!!!!!!

Smoking kills

By: M. Tasar Karimuddin In many news paper published that smoking dangerous can kills people step by step, but it's just warn on writer and can't stopped habitual smoker. In various news came for warn on this problem like cigarette injurious to health or cigarette smoking evoke cancer and effect to children, it message can't not make scare feel for the master of cigarette. I my self the one of them for me a cigarette is my lovely friend in my life, he joint me everywhere and anywhere, but, today I was think to throw it from my mouth and never to touch it again. The problem is how to lived this dangerous thing forever, I hope to every body to give me a solution on this problem, because I really- really need to throw it as soon as possible. In positive thinking the most people in the world wanted for long life and it's was happen to me, smoking kills was happen toward people and I believed. I hope your opinion on it, please help me?????

Golden ball

BY" M. Tasar Karimuddin Golden ball of FIFA world cup finally addressed to Zinadine Zidane after voting by many people in the world, although Zidane got it but the rules make out by FIFA committee announced that Zidane can’t played football for three months as a punishment. Other sides Materrozi Italian soccer also procure same thing like Zidane, both two players punishment by FIFA world cup responded good by people and they feel proud of it, cause it is justice and must be. Zidane doesn’t matter feel on his punishment was positive, cause Zidane had achieved his old in soccer and he did it. A different thing happen to Materrozi Italian soccer, he sad and unjustice feeling on this punishment, he can't do anything in three months ago and this is sore and so hard for his future career.

The terrorist category

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Israel and US union was goes strongly to attack Lebanon and others muslim area, this attitude make Muslim in the world angry and wanna to joint this war. It's not fair if one nation attack by two big countries, we cannot keep quite on it we should help who are on terror. UN Council security doesn't give any solution about this war, so it's means they are too joint with the US and Israel. Israel attack Lebanon from day to day had killed many lebanon people, but, why, the silence is an answer!. UN council security mission is to stop a terror in this world, look at lebanon were terror was going on the ease way. UN had program to dissolve terrorist organisation it's just writer on paper. If UN seriously want to do it, so, go and stop it. Terrorist category is kill people and made bomb blast, etc, like what was happen in Lebanon, So, we can said that US and Israel are in list of terrorist!!!!!

Indonesia Eartquake become Tsunami

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin After Aceh tsunami now again it happen for second time in Indonesia, Bandung, sukabumi and ciamis are places were eartquake become Tsunami. Some report said that event had killed 300 people and some stiil on searching, this event make indonesian in trouble specially in economy and development of the country. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono president of Indonesia directly visit to the place and announced to the goverment to take countrol of it as soon as possible. Indonesia now a day appear with many probem need to calm and becarefully of what was happening, especially to the government of Indonesia who are controlled our state. I just want to warn or for our attention is that about donation, we have to care and keep and so give it to the right person, cause if it uncontrolled a donation will be pass away by manager thief. It was truth and so happen in Aceh before. So we need clear cooperation and we need tactful leader to tackle all of it. God knows the truth!

Taliban will be punished

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin NATO and Afghanistan forces will be able to break the back of Taliban resistance in southern Afghanistan before the end of this year, the country's defence minister said in an interview published on Monday. ( The Times of India ). Above message is very interesting to be investigation for us, Taliban group is the most dangerous and some said they are terrorist number one in the world. We should look backward what is a reason they are become as rebel and what they want, I think in positively Taliban groups is one organization who are search for something who are didn't get it. We agreed if Taliban organization will be punished but we don't agree that if people in that union killed like they are an animal. Human being should keep each others no on the contrary. If killed is one conclusion for resolved I think it will be continued by next generation, childrens , who are father's killed in that group will avenge for his father murder. God knows the

Israel and US

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Israel the most Jews settled was dangerous for the Muslim world, Israel so brave to attack any enemies, while UN council security cannot stop it. Others side US was support Israel to defend they country. While Iran, Lebanon and Syria stayed union to defend Israel attack, they will attack Israel if they had too. The most of Muslim countries become a target of Israel, it's one of big problem appear for long time and unsolved. UN council security warns Iran on nuclear program, but how about Israel terror on Lebanon, they just keep quite and maybe they scared to US union. If UN council security can't resolved this problem it's not possible for Muslim in the world to stated in union and against who are disturbed Muslim countries. Israel- US in union and why we are not!!!!! God knows the truth!!!!!!

US- Russia against nuclear terror

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin The world now a day in danger with nuclear terror, nuclear weapon so dangerous for the environment and so people in particular, it’s cause from people and too people, we have moved speedy in technology science, but we don’t think it will be affected. President Vladimir Putin and US President George W Bush issued a statement saying their countries were’’ committed to combating the threat of nuclear terrorism, which is one of the most dangerous international security challenges we face’’. Nice a statement and we hope it for truth and not for political manner. All people will agreed with the committee were take over of nuclear terror, but, we are so much agreed if nuclear is destroyed. Let’s take a look to US- Russia how many nuclear they had and why their started to stayed in union now, I think they are on big terror and so they don’t wants nuclear weapon will break down their country. So before it happened they started to anticipate this problem, it’s politics

India warns Pakistan

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Manmohan Singh the prime minister of India warns Pakistan might their peace process relation will cut off, it's issued by PM of India causal of several blast on july 11 event. I think new war will start!!!! A politic games had played behind this conflict will take a few month to achieve a conclusion, as a PM India, Singh could not give instructions before it proven. Singh's attitude and optimist on his announcement was right, but, it's not proven yet, so, he cannot said that. Gen Pervez Musharraf , Pakistan President said that he had tried to contact PM to discuss about it ( it's a normative attitude of human being) , but, Singh hold on the phones. Who is wrong and right we don't know yet, below is Musharraf message support: '' Whosoever has done this cannot be pardoned at all. So we condole with the Indian government and I assure Prime Minister Man Mohan Singh that the Pakistan government and I my self are with him in any investig

Iran nuclear program

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin After few months discuss about nuclear programe and looking for relation for it, Iran now become on trouble in it. UN council security seduce to cooperated with Iran to take control in that program. Many countries was agreed, but Iran still on their plan without give any comment. Ahmadinejad the president of Iran permanent yet on his own feeling, his strength on program could not changed by others,he's independence and believe in God was made him as a stronger and never look at down or fear of sense. So, if Ahmadinejad does'nt care to UN council security announcement, what is next solution????. Simple answer! Iran should ready for war with UN council security, and i think Iran people was waiting for it. Let's see war rain?????

Bomb blast again in Gulmarg- India

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin The day after bomb blast in many places, another attack at the popular Gulmarg tourist resort, 65 km from the summer capital, on Wednesday toke sevent tourist and three women were injured, when a young boy tossed a grenade at the state Road transport corporation (SRTC) bus. The Times of India. Explosions happen like organized by few organization, we can said they are terrorist but we should ask them, why they do this and this. There is some thing wrong behind this tragedy, bomb blast happen at place the tourist had settled it's big question. India is one of big democratic country has to resolved this problem, cause it a big criminal as well as happen in Bali- Indonesia whatever event is not on the same picture. I think this is affect of big people population in India, hard to get job, difficult to earn some many, so bomb blast is good job for earning. Let's see next blasts!!!!!!!!

Blasts party

By: M. Tasar Karimuddin Bomb blasts party at Mumbai and srinagar yesterday toke a victims as a rain fall down, explosions happen in same time was make Indian scared and insecure to going every where. In sinagar tragedy is some people throw a grenade to the car, then others blasts continue one by one , this blasts we can said is explosion schedule. 6 tourist, 2 others killed in this dark tragedy. While in Mumbai 150 die in 7 blast on local trains, some said that explosions in a day is had organized by terrorist, but who are terrorist we don’t know yet. Research on this tragedy was going very quickly and we hope that who are blast performer arrest as soon as possible. Let’s pray to who are passed away and we hope to all victim family able to endure, but for bomber warn becarefull of your life we will find you, wherever you are.

Help Ghaza

By : M. Tasar Karimuddin The war tradition in this world was started as a joke, violence, fight and terror, bomb blast is familiarity and become usually news beyond us. We don’t take any solution to tackle, cause it’s not happen in our country. Ghaza is one of war victim has faced with many problem for their life, Food, water etc, are in crisis. They need our help and some hand to take them to halcyon , we are human should and must to do it. So do you want to send some your earning for them?? But send it to the right person and becareful from account burglar. UN General Secretary Kofi Anan said that he’s feel very sad what was happen to Ghaza cause of Israel, he’s hope that both defector to stopped their war and made up new relation for their people. UN just can warn that, but they don’t have brave enough to hard hitting, are you coward or you allowed them fight till the end. God knows the truth!!!!!

The king of FIFA World Cup

By : M. Tasar Karimuddin Last night is the last match for football game, but there is some event was make me angry and so another fans. Actually my support goes to Itali club, but at last of the game when zidane kick off by red card from field, I feel sad and it's not fair. France is led as a winner in first minute with scored by Zidane ( penalty ) make a France become a king , but it's not take long time in nineteen minute Miterrazo Italian player repay it. For me a Zidane's mistake when he struck chest of Miterrazo is emotion behavior, cause Miterrazo mockery utter to Zidane. Everybody can't hold about it, Do you keep quite if some said! Your mother fucker, of course not, we will do something for our beloved mom. Am I right??? So, me, my self,,Zidane's on right while magistrate also in his right duty, so who is wrong!!! Ask your self you'll get it. Good luck Italy and goodbye World Cup! See you next…….

Wimbledon Champion in 2006- 2007

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Number one tennis player woman Amelie Moresmo ( France ) beat Justine Henin- hardene ( Belgium ) in final game with scores, 2-6, 6-3, 6- 4. both players try to be the best one, but it's game win and loss is usually happen. Moresmo dream to wins Wimbledon Champion is become truth in this year, she was waiting and trying for this match after long time ago, but his hard work was stated her at the right place. She's said that she's very happy become a winner in this champion and it's not too easy, whatever when i see my foe Henin is must be hard to be winner, she's said. Moresmo has achieved her dream, how about us? If we see her firmness we also can also attain our dream. So we have to move on , don't keep quiet. If we had achieved so we have to think how to make it as maximum result don't break it down. Congratulation Moresmo? We hope that you can keep this champion for year later.

France or Italy

By: M. Tasar Karimuddin After hard struggle finally both france and Italy achieve to final game, they will against each other saturday night at 00: 30 India time. Zidane as a key player in France will the best for his Funs especially to country, some said Zidane to old man to played game but in fact his spirit is not to different as before. As well as France Italy is a strong team to , Totti as a key will be helped by another top players in this match. We have to open eyes for tonight game, cause it's last part and what we have waiting for . We can't said that Italy will be a winner but we just hope it, others hope also come from France funs, but they just can pray and hope that their team become a king for this World Cup in 2006- 2007. Watch out!!!!!!!

Love victim

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin A suicide note was found from her pocket. It stated: ' Mama, Papa I love you very much. I have put you in a lot of trouble because I love Kapil and have became poor in studies'', a senior police official said. ( The Times of India ). A suicide in India was appear in many reason, above is one example was happen last day, love victim is a tragedy long time ago, may be we has watched Romeo and Juliet movies it was rebirth in 2006- 2007. Above tragedy happen cause of her parent who are not agreed her love relation with Kapil, this cause was take her in frustration than she's solution latter is suicide as a resolved. We has seen or hear this tragedy is actually happen and it's usual beyond us, but a suicide is not the right way to take, a suicide cause of love is stupid thinking and it's not resolved a problem that will through in more case. May for her who did it is love sacrifice, but what she's did is a foolish solution. Are you with

Free trade- anti

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Program US of free trade is one new plan to changed commodity relation in the world was good ideal, some countries joint, but opposite to. In India this planning was made controversy between government and so people who are not agreed. Free trade was great plan if we think for country development, but disadvantageous had played behind it. Free trade make poor become poorer while reach more reaches, This side we have to look at to. Hugo Chevaz president of Venezuela with 6 union countries urged they don't agreed with this plan, cause of most disadvantageous than advantage in it. So south America was Anti to Bush ( US ) program in free trade. Again that plan will make US become king in economic power where this opportunity hopped by Bush. So are you joint them??????

Portugal and France

BY: M. Tasar karimuddin Fans both of them was bah to wait for match tonight at 00.30, in espn channel of India, they past their time by watching some tactics and learn about their own them. Restlessness and stupefaction had playing on their mind, do Portugal be a winner or opposite. Portugal is an unprediction team to be a winner, but there is Figo, deco etc, who are will attacking France tonight. But France is unbeatable team in this Fifa world cup, we have to look at their position. Zinede Zidane and as well as Henry will attach and push up the goal of Portugal for this time. So, both teams are much difficult to predicted, cause both had experience and beautiful tactics in playing, who is the winner for tonight??? Watch it at 00.30 time of India in India you will get an right answer. Watch out……..

Sorry Bush! She's my guest

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin Saddam's daughter, wife and his close friends are wanted, US announced they are on the list of terrorist and so provoke in Iraq. We have gold opportunity to do, if you had seen any one of them please contact to US committee you'll get glorious reward as what you have done, Believe it or not. US problem now is how to interrogation Saddam's daughter were settled in Yordan, US have make a diplomatic relation, but it failed. The king of Abdullah II responded by simple answer, sorry Bush she's my guest so I have to protect her, it's our tradition not yours. So, what Bush will do on his duty, do Bush will fight Yordan cause of it? if yes, so, becareful on your gasoline! if no, otherwise gasoline import will remains for you.

Osama's message for US

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin And Ahmad Qisai In his latest message, Osama bin Laden has warned the Shia Muslims and the US about their collective efforts to fight against the Al Qaeda. He said that Al Qaeda is very much ready to meet any challange from them. This message was announced following the death of Abu Musab Zarqawi who was killed by the US Army and the appointment of his replacement in Iraq. Abu Hamza Al Muhajer replaced the position left by Abu Musab Al Zarqawi as the new leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. For the US, Al Qaeda is a terror group while on the contrary, Al Qaeda accuses the US as the real terrorist in this world. We know who is right and who is wrong. But keep that truth with you to save your life. The current political tragedy in Iraq is very difficult to be resolved. Because the real problems lie in the hands of the leaders of the big powers. The war between the US and Al Qaeda will continue and no one knows how many more innocent victims should fall because of this con

World Cup fever

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin After pass through some hindrance now they dream become on target, four big teams will meet each other in semi final next day, Germany against Italy, while France will fight Portugal. An answer from some prediction is prediced now, who are support Brazil as a winner of World Cup in 2006- 2007 are wrong, while others side prediction goes to Argentina become a king for this year was passed away a day before. The year 2006- 2007 is a mistery year in football World Cup, many event had changed and so new story become appear. We can give an opinion or predictions but it may right likewise become wrong. Who is the master of football World Cup in 2006- 2007??????, Some said Germany is a winner for this year but it's not too easy for them to defeat Italy. How about France? we must to look at Portugal, Portugal is srong team, their spirit and and still together was carry them to semi final. A winner is still on puzzle whatever many prediction had support for special

Jehad never end

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin After the death of local Alqaida chief Abu Musab Al-zarqawi last month before it not make the Alqaida jehad will stop, but it reason was made the member of Alqaida in Jehad become more powerful. They will against with those are want to fight them, anyone, anytime and allover they are ready for it. They responder of revenge overflow in every body of Alqaida groups, The Times of India today had published that Osama Bin Laden the leader of Jehad, he said that we will continue our fight against you?? Every where, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Somalia and in Sudan. It means the members of jihad ready for fight with those are not likely with them, they never backward for it whatever a step, move and move on that was them motto. Do you think that if blood will sprinkle on the world, maybe yes and no, but, I think most of people was not agreed with a war. We should look a solution for it, if not it will be affect in our life. We just hope that a both fighter should hav