US- Russia against nuclear terror

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin

The world now a day in danger with nuclear terror, nuclear weapon so dangerous for the environment and so people in particular, it’s cause from people and too people, we have moved speedy in technology science, but we don’t think it will be affected.

President Vladimir Putin and US President George W Bush issued a statement saying their countries were’’ committed to combating the threat of nuclear terrorism, which is one of the most dangerous international security challenges we face’’. Nice a statement and we hope it for truth and not for political manner.

All people will agreed with the committee were take over of nuclear terror, but, we are so much agreed if nuclear is destroyed. Let’s take a look to US- Russia how many nuclear they had and why their started to stayed in union now, I think they are on big terror and so they don’t wants nuclear weapon will break down their country. So before it happened they started to anticipate this problem, it’s politics, huh??????


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