Betty William: would love to kill” Bush

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin

Nobel peace prize winner Betty Williams, displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit on Monday , lashing out at US president George Bush during a speech to hundreds of school children in Brisbane city Hall Australia.

She said that she would love to kill Bush right now, during wartime between Lebanon and Israel an innocent people was die, and so the children body be located every where. When she was 30 in Irish last year ago, she did some thing importance to the Irish people, she’s successful stop violence in Irish then a nobel peace prize belong to her.

Now a day she was 64 old but she’s spirit to stop violence in this world still on mind and was mixed with her blood relation. The heroin as her we need now, we don’t require Superman, Batman and other movies heroes. The hero or heroin we need now who are want to fight for right and criticize over violence, without think in differentiated religion, region and race, etc. let's think in logically is we are all human being we have to keep each other.


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