Al- Qaida Wanted

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin

US and Pakistan tied plan to clear a terrorist organization under Al- Qaida organization, both countries success step by step. Al- Qaida members get caught in some place, US, Pakistan, Afghanistan and British in few day before.

Now a day Pakistan government and US plan to take over security in the Pakistan border, the military was settled in some place as security control. Pakistan is not one of place where Al- Qaida member lived, but Afghanistan is most dangerous and strategic town for Al- Qaida going strong, Pakistan President Said.

I have to support for plan if it right, but I don’t like to support who are kill people on their own. The military settled in Pakistan move to Afghanistan, then, let’s see what they did. The military will do their duty on the other way too they are like animal, look out rape cases, slaying and others criminal was appear in military duty. So we hope to the Pakistan government and US to fight as a man, tell them to care people not otherwise.


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