Pepsi and Coca Cola

BY: M. Tasar Karimuddin

India in few days before appear in a big problem after terrorist side, a problem is connected with soft drink or cold drink like Pepsi and Coca Cola. Pepsi and Coca Cola was mixed with the germ medicine killer was make Indian angry and wan’t to touch it, whatever for drink.

India Pepsi and Coca Cola firm must give a solution or the correct answer, if not, so both firm should closed immediately. Soft drink have been available for some years to the people, now a day the people will run away, so what they should do?, Pepsi and Coca Cola firm should give announced about it issue, maybe it issue marked by some people who are fight in trade.

On the side of issued out is very strongly and it proven by some test, thus, if issue was truth, we hope that the government of India to take or give an announced for both firm mistake and decide a punishment too. We don’t have to look at trade, budget etc for the country, but the ideal government is to take care fully to the people. It’s right?????


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