The president of Indonesia

Tuesday, July 7, 2009 the most important day for Indonesian to made a decision and changed for the whole corner upto 5 year, it was ELECTION day. Everyone has right, obligation and also responsibility to vote one of them from three candidates to be the father of states.
The selection of the people it’s will be affected upto 5 year for the country, the people of Indonesia should think positively and cleaverly out of discrimination and emphasis off their mind. The democracy election must be done and deal for the people in the world, we need to control and accepted what they are voting for.
The election issues appear in various colours that brought bad and good news around the committee of election, the voters asked the committee to be fairly and so carefully for this election. The Head of election committee said; they try to be fair and nicely done this time all of it they learn from the representative election three months ago, a mistake for the past make them sure to deal on purely election.
Below are the president candidates for 2009 – 2014:

1. Megawati Sokaerno Putri ( President ) - Prabowo ( Vice President ).

2. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono ( President ) - Boediono ( Vice president ).

3. M. Yusuf Kalla. ( President ) - Wiranto ( Vice president ).
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